why is your baby holy to me

first of all i would like to thank, heartfelt, every holymama and every holybabe i ever met and will meet in the future.

babies teach me life every day and i can only encourage you to take the time to learn and appreciate what they teach by example in full trust and unconditional love

here what they taught me so far

to live in the moment

be in awww of being human by witnessing them

honor life

love unconditional myself and all souls

love and appreciate my body

not to judge and choose compassion

choose love over fear

to relaxe, breath and smile instead of rushing in fight or flight

how love feels

most important to trust

ask for what i need

express my feelings and dare to be vulnerable

keep my heart open in their presence

just be instead of wanting or needing

connect and interact from heart to heart

vibes are louder than words

thoughts create your reality

we are all wonder in human form

Myriam Midwife